Motorhome catches fire in Deux-Sèvres, occupants evacuated unharmed

A fire broke out in a motorhome this Sunday morning, in the town of Sansais, in Deux-Sèvres. The occupants, unharmed, were evacuated. In the aftermath, the electricity was cut for about thirty dwellings.

More fear than harm for the occupants of a motorhome in Deux-Sèvres. Their vehicle caught fire on Sunday May 29, around 10 a.m., route de la Garette on departmental 1, in the town of Sansais. They could have been firefighters evacuated unharmedand were cared for by family.

29 homes without electricity

The fire spread to a nearby electricity meter and a telephone pole, so Enedis cut the power. 29 homes were affected for two hours. The water was also cut for a home, because of a drinking water pipe affected by the flames. The fire also burned ten meters of hedge and 30 square meters of dry grass.

Thirteen firefighters had to intervene. Traffic was disrupted during the emergency response. The motorhome was picked up by a tow truck.

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