Motion of censorship, interview with Nicolas Sarkozy, Citizens’ Convention on the end of life… What to remember from the interview with Bruno Retailleau

Bruno Retailleau, senator from Vendée, president of the Les Républicains group in the Senate and candidate for the presidency of the party, was the guest of the “8:30 a.m. franceinfo”, Tuesday 25 October 2022. Motion of censure, Nicolas Sarkozy, immigration, Citizens’ Convention on the end of life… He answers questions from Marc Fauvelle and Salhia Brakhlia.

The right should “file a motion of censure against the government” during the quinquennium

“I very sincerely think that we should table a motion of censure” against the government “during this quinquennium”, believes the president of the group Les Républicains in the Senate. This would, according to Bruno Retailleau, show that the LR party is “resolutely in opposition”. He recognizes that said that right-wing parliamentarians “are not ready”.

“Today, the vote of a motion of censure would undoubtedly be a dissolution, probably again a Macronist majority, even relative, in the National Assembly and we would not have advanced one iota”, explains Bruno Retailleau. He considers that after “failure [de la droite] in the presidential election” his party is “in a moment of weakness” : “Why would we choose this moment of weakness to do hara-kiri?”he asks himself.

Interview with Nicolas Sarkozy in the JDD: “We are not Macron-compatible”

Bruno Retailleau ensures that what “distinct” of Nicolas Sarkozy is that he “is in opposition to Emmanuel Macron”. Last weekend, the former President of the Republic Nicolas Sarkozy suggested in the columns of the Journal du Dimanche that Emmanuel Macron make a political agreement with LR. Bruno Retailleau estimates on franceinfo “that Emmanuel Macron is not a right-wing president”because he has “appointed Pap Ndiaye Minister of National Education” and that he did not know, according to him, “to restore order in the street, at the borders and in our accounts”.

“No, we are not Macron-compatible”, launches the president of the LR group in the Senate. Candidate for the presidency of the Les Républicains party, Bruno Retailleau claims to have “another ambition for LR than to make it a simple crutch of macronism”. “I have an ambition to make it the instrument of a national reconquest”he says.

Presidency of the LRs: designating the LR candidate for 2027 too early would be “a mistake”

“We will give in to our intellectual laziness if we appoint a candidate [à l’élection présidentielle 2027] too early”warns Bruno Retailleau, tackling in passing one of his competitors for the presidency of LR, the LR deputy for the Alpes-Maritimes Éric Ciotti who calls for “go fast, from the start of 2023”. Bruno Retailleau calls instead to focus on the European elections in 2024. “If we stumble, we will electrocute our candidate who will have been appointed a year before”, he says. Bruno Retailleau would prefer “designate [ce candidat] after the Europeans”. He proposes that “activists” designate the candidate of LR in the presidential election and not “feathered hats”in other words the party cadres.

Immigration: “assuming the showdown with countries, particularly in the Maghreb” to enforce the OQTFs

Bruno Retailleau recalls this Tuesday that Emmanuel Macron “had indicated three years ago that he wanted 100% of OQTFs (Obligation to leave French territory) to be carried out”. The president of the LR group in the Senate therefore calls on the government to “to assume the showdown with the countries, in particular of the Maghreb, which do not give a consular pass”. In case of refusal, he wishes “drastically lower visas” and their “to pay a bill” that’s to say “reduce” humanitarian aid credits to these countries. “What is needed is to avoid uncontrolled flows of immigration as much as possible”he pleads.

For Bruno Retailleau, “someone who returns irregularly to French territory must know that he will never be regularized”. The candidate for the presidency of the group Les Républicains says to himself “favorable” at “penalization of illegal residence”.

Citizens’ convention on the end of life: for “a conscience clause” for doctors

The president of the LR group in the Senate has “a lot of reluctance” with regard to the Citizens’ Convention on the end of life, whose 150 participants will be drawn by lot this Tuesday. Bruno Retailleau first calls for tackling the “26 departments that do not have palliative care services” who “concern 150,000 French people”. “The first thing to do is to ensure that we can put this palliative care within the reach of every Frenchman”he judges.

Bruno Retailleau thus pleads for the establishment of a “conscience clause” for doctors. “From the moment you authorize euthanasia, many dying people will think that they are a burden for society and for their loved ones and will want to end it so as not to be this burden vis-à-vis those around them”he warns.

Find the entire “8:30 franceinfo” of Tuesday, October 25, 2022:

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