Mother’s Day: plant-based and local gift ideas

This text is part of the special book Plaisirs

Are you one of those who give mom a beautiful bouquet of flowers or a planter filled with colorful annuals every year to celebrate Mother’s Day? If so, so much the better! But why not complete your bouquet this year with one of these all-vegetal and local ideas?

Spoil the spa lover

Is your spouse, mother or friend a fan of the spa and she basks in it as soon as the occasion lends itself to it? Several plants, such as eucalyptus or lavender, have relaxing properties and can transform a bathroom into an oasis of well-being!

First, eucalyptus is sold as a plant or in a dried version in most garden centers. A dried bouquet simply hung in the shower will obviously have a nice effect, in addition to giving off its typical smell. The plant version adapts very well to our interiors and it will be enough to crumple its leaves so that they release a little of their soothing essential oil. It is also possible to take the eucalyptus out on the balcony during the summer and bring it in in the fall since it is not hardy under our climatic conditions.

In the same vein, the Saponaria soap factory sells shower pebbles infused with essential oils of eucalyptus and menthol. All you have to do is place the pebble in a corner of the shower, wet it a little and the beneficial vapors will create the effect of a small home spa.

Does your mother love lavender? Here too, you can opt to offer it in plants. Some varieties are hardy and can therefore integrate flower beds or the vegetable garden to attract pollinators and repel harmful insects thanks to their heady essential oils. Bouquets of dried lavender are also available on the market, notably at Maison Lavande. His site is also full of an impressive range of products, such as candles that combine lavender with other olfactory notes, including aloe or peony.

Fill the romantic

An undeniable symbol of romance made flower, the rose is sure to please romantic mothers. For mothers with a green thumb, a rustic rose from Collection 49e Parallèle could be a spectacular addition to a flowerbed arrangement. This collection was specially designed for our Canadian climatic conditions, and the flowers are naturally hardy, floriferous and hardy.

For mothers who are both romantic and gourmet, the Rose des champs boutique offers a rose jelly made from rose petals grown in Quebec. To be served with a good cheese or at Sunday brunch.

Still on the theme of the rose, for a romantic outing, why not stop at Rose Drummond, which offers an all-vegetal atmosphere, to have a tasty coffee or a meal in its tropical greenhouse?

Pamper the passionate

Your mom is a collector of green plants and her interior looks like a real jungle? Why not give it to him there plant that she has been eyeing for ages? This is the opportunity to get your hands on the famous Monstera Thai Constellation or even a vanilla tree, an orchid that produces vanilla pods.

Especially since several tropical plants can go outside to decorate the balcony during the summer. Mom will therefore be satisfied all year round! If in doubt, consult your garden center to find out if the plant you are gifting can grow from the house to the balcony.

For the mother who has everything and loves discoveries, there are just as many possibilities in the vegetable garden. The cultivation of exotic plants, such as turmeric, ocra or even ginger, is done both in pots and in the ground.

Perhaps this year would be ideal for starting this medicinal garden project and concocting homemade care products from your own flowers and foliage? Chamomile, calendula or agastache will then be beautiful gifts. And, afterwards, the Les Mauvaises Herbes boutique offers online workshops for mothers who want to learn how to make their own soaps, solid shampoos or serums.

And the bouquet?

And if you finally opt for the bouquet, know that many flower farms in Quebec offer subscriptions during the summer season which prolongs the pleasure of receiving flowers over several weeks, such as Au beau pré, Prune les fleurs or Floramama. Find out!

And Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms!

This content was produced by the Special Publications team of the Duty, relating to marketing. The drafting of Duty did not take part.

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