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Sunday May 14, a 41-year-old mother was found dead in a ditch near Tarbes (Hautes-Pyrénées). She was reportedly killed with several stab wounds to the throat. The body of his former companion, the main suspect, was also discovered, hanging from a tree.
The lifeless body of Audrey Félice was found in a ditch, near Tarbes (Hautes-Pyrénées), on the evening of Sunday May 14. Aged 41, she was the mother of two children. According to the first elements of the investigation, she would have been killed by several stab wounds in the throat. On the other side of the road, a second body was discovered, hanging from a tree, that of the victim’s former companion, Samy Dioumassy.
A heavy criminal past
Saturday May 13, the 48-year-old man came to pick up Audrey Félice in the gym where she worked. This is where she was last seen alive. The main suspect, Samy Dioumassy, had a heavy criminal past. In 2003, he was arrested for the murder of his girlfriend, near Châteauroux (Indre). After rolling over his victim, he finished her off with a knife. In 2006, the justice had sentenced him to 25 years of criminal imprisonment, including 15 years incompressible. Released from prison in 2020, the man had not been under judicial supervision since December 2021.