Most of the major Mayenne municipalities will not boycott the FIFA World Cup in Qatar

Whether for ecological, humanitarian or, more prosaically, economic reasons, the list of cities that have decided to boycott the broadcast of the 2022 World Cup matches in Qatar is growing hour by hour. In Mayenne, on the occasion of the Mondial-2018, several towns in the department such as Mayenne, Craon and Château-Gontier-sur-Mayenne had organized fanzones with giant screens. What will it be this year?

“It is not up to the supporters to undergo FIFA’s choices”

In the south of the department, in Château-Gontier-sur-Mayenne and Craon, nothing has yet been decided. Nothing to do with any boycott, it’s for weather reasons: “With the rain, it will be more complicated to organize spaces with giant screens“, declares the mayor of Craon, Bertrand de Guébriant.

For the moment, the elected officials say they have not yet made a clear decision on the subject, and prefer to advise depending on the results of the Blues. But according to the personal opinion of the mayor of Craon, “it is not for loyal football fans to suffer the choices of the international football federation (FIFA). ” The city of Evron, it does not yet decide: the subject has not yet been discussed within the city council.

Laval boycotts the 2022 World Cup

On the Laval side, the choice is clear: there is no question of broadcasting the 2022 Football World Cup on giant screens. Céline Loiseau, sports and youth assistant, told France Bleu Mayenne on Tuesday that the municipality “opposes the sporting values ​​advocated by a competition, which, in the context of an energy and economic crisis, air-conditions its stadium, and is responsible for the death of thousands of workers on Qatari construction sites.” According to the British newspaper The Guardians, 6,500 workers are said to have died on the construction sites of the 2022 World Cup host stadium in Qatar.

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