Most Conservatives Abandon Masks in the House

(Ottawa) An overwhelming majority of Conservative MPs have dropped the mask in the House of Commons even though it remains “highly recommended” to wear it – a situation that is causing unease in the ranks of other parties.

Posted at 6:29 p.m.

Melanie Marquis

Melanie Marquis
The Press

We have only seen a minority of masks on the faces of the Conservatives since Monday, the day when the obligation to wear them was abandoned in a number of public places in Ontario, the government of Doug Ford having decided so.

The parliamentary precinct is located on Ontario soil, of course, but it is the Board of Internal Economy that dictates the rules of the game for these spaces. And if the body announced the relaxation of some of the preventive measures, it continues to recommend the wearing of the mask.

This is not “compulsory” in the precincts of the Chamber and in committee rooms, but it remains “strongly recommended when Members are in their place during parliamentary deliberations”, reads a note dated from March 10th.

Again on Tuesday, during question period, a handful of Conservative MPs – those from Quebec in particular – wore a mask when they were seated in their chairs.

Liberals, Bloc and New Democrats, on the other hand, were always masked.

“Discomfort” and “concerns”

The Liberal whip, Steven MacKinnon, did not want to specify if this was an instruction given to the caucus, contenting himself with affirming that “the behavior of our MPs is most respectful in this sense”.

And “there are deputies [libéraux] who are uncomfortable ”to rub shoulders with unmasked colleagues, he told The Press.

Same story in the New Democrat camp. “Some MPs have expressed their concerns to our whip about those who do not respect the rule in the House of Commons,” wrote the director of communications, Mélanie Richer.

Among the Bloc, Whip Claude DeBellefeuille, points out that “MPs are invited to wear a mask in the House, except when speaking”, and that we remain “vigilant, as adequate distancing is not possible in Bedroom “.

The Conservative Party had not yet offered to comment on this situation at the time of publishing these lines, early Tuesday evening.

A few days ago, the Chief Public Health Officer of Canada, Dr.D Theresa Tam, again encouraged the population to continue to wear the mask in public spaces, even if the provinces throw ballast.

“I would say that it is prudent to wear a mask for the moment considering the possibility of a rise in cases”, she pleaded last Friday, mentioning the presence in the country of the sub-variant of Omicron, the BA.2.

To other reductions

Wearing a mask or face covering remains mandatory in most places in the House of Commons, while the doors are gradually reopening to the general public.

Access to the public gallery of the House of Commons and to committee meeting rooms will be restored on April 25, and guided tours will resume on May 16.

With The Canadian Press

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