Moscow will achieve its goals by dint of “patience”, says the Minister of Foreign Affairs

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Despite military setbacks, he displays his confidence. The head of Russian diplomacy said to himself, Wednesday, December 28, “convinced” that Russia would achieve its goals in Ukraine by dint of “patience” and “stubbornness”in particular the recognition of four Ukrainian regions whose annexation Moscow claims. “This while always remaining open to fair dialogue and agreements to ensure equal and indivisible security in Europe”, Sergei Lavrov continued. Follow our live.

The Minister of the Armed Forces evokes a new “agenda” of French military support. Visiting kyiv on Wednesday, Sébastien Lecornu said he wanted to work to meet Ukrainian military needs “for the weeks to come”. “Presidents Zelensky and Macron have asked (…) to make them proposals for the month of January to redefine an agenda” on French military support, he said during a press conference with his Ukrainian counterpart, Oleksiï Reznikov.

A Lecornu-Zelensky encounter. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky received Sébastien Lecornu at the presidential palace in kyiv. “It’s a sign of trust”, entrusted the team of the head of state to franceinfo. The purpose of this meeting was, for France, to obtain from the Ukrainians a feedback on the weapons already supplied to fight Russia and to take note of the new needs of Ukraine in the months to come. .

Russia will ban the sale of its oil to countries that use the price cap. This measure will apply from February 1. This ceiling price had been set at the beginning of December at 60 dollars per barrel by the EU, the G7 and Australia, and aims to deprive Moscow of significant revenues to finance its military intervention in Ukraine.

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