Moscow targeted by drone attack


Video length: 1 min.

France 3

Article written by

T. de Barbeyrac, @RevelateursFTV, V. Landolfini – France 3

France Televisions

Moscow was targeted on Tuesday May 30 by a drone attack on its territory. It would be a response from the Ukrainian authorities to the incessant bombardments of the last few days on the Ukrainian capital.

It’ssurprised for this resident of Moscow (Russia), Tuesday, May 30 in the morning. Din the sky capital city russian, drone arrived, Then explode. A few minutes later, the investigators recovered the pieces of the machine which fell on a building, which injured two people. A miracle for the inhabitants. Even if Ukraine did not claim responsibility for the attack, for Moscow there is no doubt. This is the first time since early May and the attack of two drones on the Kremlin as the Russian capital comes under attack.

Strikes continue on kyiv

On the other side of the border, a third attack on kyiv (Ukraine) took place in 24 hours. “I am angry with the attacker”, laments a resident. Of the 31 Russian drones that attacked the Kyiv region, 29 were reportedly slaughtered. a characternne is dead and three are injured.

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