Moscow says it has ‘completely liberated’ residential areas of Sievierodonestsk

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12:47 : Sergey Shoigu announces that the seaport of Berdyansk is now operational. “We are ready to load grain in this port”in addition to that of Mariupol.

12:46 p.m. : Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu adds that automobile traffic has been opened between mainland Russia and annexed Crimea, passing through the territories conquered from Ukraine. Six railway sections are now open between mainland Russia, Donbass, occupied Ukraine and annexed Crimea.

12:46 p.m. : “The residential areas of Sievierodonetsk have been completely liberated”, said the Russian Minister of Defense during a briefing broadcast on television. Sergei Shoigu, however, clarified that “the takeover of its industrial zone and neighboring localities continues”.

12:37 : Moscow says the Russian army has taken control of residential areas in Sievierodonestk in eastern Ukraine.

12:12 p.m. : Ukrainian presidential adviser Alexei Arestovich says the Russian army could begin the siege of Sloviansk within a week. He points to the delay in deliveries of Western heavy weapons. Around 75% of the inhabitants have already left the city, according to the military governor of Donetsk. There would therefore be only 25,000 people left in Sloviansk, compared to 105,000 before the war.

12:03 : What are the main news headlines:

Several unions and hospital collectives are calling for mobilization to demand recruitment and wage increases, against the backdrop of the emergency crisis. Rallies are expected, especially at 1:30 p.m. in front of the Ministry of Health in Paris.

After the death of a woman hit by police shooting on Saturday in Paris, the custody of the three police officers present was extended.

“Intense street fighting continues” in Sievierodonestk, said Volodymyr Zelensky last night. In this key city of Luhansk province, “the situation changes every hour”according to the mayor.

11:01 a.m. : The deputy head of the pro-Russian regional administration, Kirill Stresmousov, reiterates his intention to organize a referendum on the entry of the Ukrainian region of Kherson into the Russian Federation. Questioned by the Russian agency RIA Novosti, the occupation leader did not communicate a date for this election. Most of the territory of Kherson Oblast is now occupied by Russian forces.

10:41 a.m. : Marina Ovsyannikova now lives in Berlin and works with the editorial staff of the newspaper Die Welt. Reviled in Russia, she is also criticized in Ukraine for her past career in the Russian media. Last week, the journalist was to present the workings of Russian propaganda at a press conference organized by Interfax-Ukraine. The event was eventually canceled due to a flood of hostile comments written by Ukrainians.

10:46 : The Russian journalist Marina Ovsyannikova wants to change her surname and return to her birth name Tkachouk, of Ukrainian origin. She had been fired from Russian Channel One after denouncing the war live in mid-March. In a message published this morning on Facebook, she denies cooperating with the FSB, the Russian secret services, and thanks ”Emmanuel Macron, Volodymyr Zelensky and Russian politicians” for his release after a trial in Moscow.


10:42 : The leader of the pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine confirms the death of a Russian general, Roman Kutuzov, without specifying the circumstances in which he was killed. If Ukrainian sources have announced the death of other senior Russian officers since the start of the offensive, it is rare for the Russian or separatist authorities to confirm them.

10:18 a.m. : The Fiji Islands announce that they have handed over to the American authorities a yacht which, according to the United States, belongs to a Russian leader and businessman who has been the target of sanctions since 2018, Suleyman Kerimov. The value of the ship is estimated at more than 300 million euros. The US administration has also issued seizure warrants for two planes belonging to another famous oligarch, Roman Abramovich.

12:01 : Let’s once again take stock of the main news for this Tuesday:

Several unions and hospital collectives are calling for mobilization to demand recruitment and wage increases, against the backdrop of the emergency crisis. Gatherings are expected, especially in Paris.

After the death of a woman hit by police shooting on Saturday in Paris, the custody of the three police officers present was extended.

“Intense street fighting continues” in Sievierodonestk, said Volodymyr Zelensky last night. In this key city of Luhansk province, “the situation changes every hour”according to the mayor.

07:44 : In the Black Sea, the Ukrainian army assured yesterday that it had pushed back the Russian fleet more than 100 km from the coast. The Russian Navy exercises a blockade on Ukrainian ports, which contributes in particular to the blocking of Ukrainian wheat exports.

07:43 : “Our heroes hold their positions in Sievierodonetsk. Intense street fighting continues”Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said in his daily video message last night. “The situation changes every hour”, summed up last night the mayor of the city Oleksander Stryuk. He explains that the Russian army is “destroying” Sievierodonetsk, and that the evacuation of civilians still there has become “nearly impossible”.

06:46 : Let’s start with a point on the main news of this Tuesday:

Several unions and hospital collectives are calling for mobilization to demand recruitment and wage increases, against the backdrop of the emergency crisis. Gatherings are expected, especially in Paris.

Boris Johnson will remain Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. He saved his head in a vote of confidence by Conservative MPs, but the score illustrates the fragility of his position (211 votes for and 148 against).

• Reports that Russia “Fly” Ukrainian cereals for “sell them for one’s own profit” are “credible”judged the United States. “It’s all deliberate”accused the head of diplomacy, Antony Blinken.

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