Moscow says it foiled Ukrainian assassination attempt on leader of annexed Crimea

A man was arrested when he planned to place an explosive device in the car of the politician, assure the Russian security services.

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The leader of annexed Crimea installed by Moscow, Sergei Aksionov, on March 14, 2014 in Simferopol.  (ARTUR SHVARTS / EPA / MAXPPP)

The Russian security services (FSB) claimed to have thwarted an assassination attempt on the leader installed by Moscow in annexed Crimea, Monday, July 3, a project which they attribute to the Ukrainian special services (SBU). A Russian citizen, born in 1988, was arrested, accused of being “recruited by SBU officers”, according to this source, and of having planned to place an explosive device in the vehicle of the official Sergueï Aksionov. The suspect had “completed subversive intelligence training in Ukraine, including explosives”.

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“The bomber did not have time to carry out his criminal intent because he was arrested while recovering an explosive device from a cache”, sued the FSB, which released a video relayed by Russian media. “Our special services are working in a clear and efficient manner. I am convinced that the instigators of this crime will be found and punished”, responded Sergei Aksionov on Telegram, thanking the FSB for having “prevented the assassination attempt”.

Several attacks killing or injuring officials of the Russian occupation in Ukraine have taken place since the beginning of the Russian invasion. Crimea was annexed in March 2014 by Russia after an intervention by its special forces and a “referendum” denounced by kyiv and the West. The peninsula serves as an important logistical base for Russian forces fighting in southern Ukraine, where Kiev troops have been leading an offensive for several weeks.

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