Moscow castigates Emmanuel Macron’s “unacceptable” remarks

The French president on Wednesday accused Moscow to conduct a “destabilize” of the Caucasus.

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This interview with the Head of State did not escape Mocou. Russia castigated, Thursday, October 13, the remarks “unacceptable” of French President Emmanuel Macron who accused Moscow of carrying out a “destabilize” of the Caucasus against the background of the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan around the enclave of Nagorny Karabakh.

“Emmanuel Macron’s statements that Russia would use the conflict in Nagorny Karabakh to destabilize the South Caucasus are appalling and absolutely unacceptable”, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement. On Wednesday, during an interview on the France 2 channel, the French president said: “Russia interfered in this conflict, it obviously played the game of Azerbaijan with Turkish complicity and it came back there to weaken Armenia”.

“It is a maneuver to destabilize Russia which, in the Caucasus, seeks to create disorder to weaken and divide us all”, said Emmanuel Macron again. In the eyes of Russian diplomacy, these “Absurd remarks by the French president prove that Paris has no interest in establishing a lasting peace in the region and cast doubt on his country’s ability to play a constructive role there”. “Unlike France (…) Russia has contributed in a practical way to the settlement of the conflict”underlines the ministry.

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