Moscow carried out more than 4,500 cyberattacks against Ukraine in 2022, Kyiv accuses

Ukraine’s cybersecurity services have neutralized more than 4,500 Russian cyberattacks against their country since the start of the year, an official charged on Monday.

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In an interview with the TV channel “My-Ukraine”, Ilya Vitiuk, head of the cybersecurity department at the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU), “the aggressor country launches an average of more than ten cyberattacks per day. Fortunately, Ukrainian society is not even aware of most of them”.

“We entered 2022 with eight years of hybrid warfare experience behind us,” he added. “At the time of the invasion, we were already prepared for the worst scenarios”.

According to him, nearly 800 cyberattacks were recorded in 2020, more than 1400 in 2021 and in 2022 this number tripled.

“Massive cyberattacks were repelled in January and February and provided us with additional training before the Russian invasion” at the end of February, Vitiuk continued.

According to him, Moscow targets in particular the energy sector, logistics, military installations, as well as government databases and information resources.

“We monitor risks and threats in real time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,” he said. “We know by name most of the hackers from the Russian special services who are working against us. After Ukraine’s victory, they will have to appear before an international military tribunal”.

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