Moscow Calls French Assembly’s Vote Recognizing Holodomor Genocide ‘Repugnant Anti-Russian Zeal’

What there is to know

Russia reacts after the vote of the French National Assembly, Tuesday March 28, recognizing like a genocide the Holodomor. This famine caused in the early 1930s in Ukraine by the Soviet authorities killed several million people. “The anti-Russian zeal of the French deputies seems all the more repugnant as France itself has not yet closed the page of its crimes of the colonial period”Assailed Saturday, April 1 the spokesperson for Russian diplomacy, Maria Zakharova. Follow our live.

kyiv orders armored vehicles from Poland. The Ukrainian army will buy 100 armored vehicles “Rosomak,” announced on Twitter the President of the Polish Council of Ministers, Mateusz Morawiecki. This purchase will be financed with European and American funds.

Russia takes over the rotating presidency of the UN Security Council for a month. Ukraine described this presidency on Thursday as “bad joke”. “Russia has usurped its seat”castigated the head of Ukrainian diplomacy, Dmytro Kouleba.

“No war crime or crime against humanity should be forgotten”, launches Emmanuel Macron. One year after the “crimes” committed in Boutcha, “France does not forget and will not forget”assured the French President in a video message. “As she will not forget the large-scale crimes committed on Ukrainian territory for more than a year, in Izium, in Mariupol, in Olenivka, in all those cities of the country whose civilian infrastructures have been methodically targeted by Russia all winter”he added.

Boutcha must become a “symbol of justice” for the Ukrainian president. During a summit in kyiv on the occasion of the first anniversary of the recapture of this locality by Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky called for bringing to justice “every Russian assassin” For “genocidal violence”. Ukraine assesses at “over 1,400” the number of civilians who died in the Boutcha district during the Russian occupation, including 37 children. Among them, 637 were killed in the city itself.

The IMF validates a 15.6 billion dollar aid plan for Ukraine. The board of directors of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) gave the green light on Friday to a four-year aid plan which should make it possible to “to support gradual economic recovery while creating the conditions for long-term growth in a context of post-conflict reconstruction and on the way to accession to the European Union”.

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