morose, Serge Lama makes sad secrets about his end of life

End clap for Serge Lama to the chagrin of his admirers… At least in music. After winning over the crowds with his unmissable hits, the singer finally decided to step away from the stage for good. The announcement of his retirement came as a shock to his early fans. “There is a moment when things stop. You have to know that we get older, that my body makes me suffer a lot, that I have a lot of problems inherent to the passage of time and that therefore there is a moment you have to know how to stop rather than being stopped . So I decided it was over. This is my last album”confessed Serge Lama on the airwaves of RTL last September.

Weighing the pros and cons, the star ended up deciding…” There is something that hurts, but at the same time, it is the respect of the public”, said Serge Lama. “I was lucky enough to be able to sing this album already, at almost 80 years old since I was still a man of voice, so it’s complicated to live up to what we have been. So now I think it’s good that this is the last round. It’s over now, I think I won’t think about it anymore because it’s done.

“I have no illusions…”

This Friday, October 7, 2022, its public will be able to discover To like his last opus composed of 24 titles. Despite his immense successes, Serge Lama affirms – to anyone who will listen that he has not succeeded in making an impression with his art. “I have no illusions: nothing will be remembered from me”, assures the famous lyricist for Le Figaro.“We won’t write theses on Serge Lama… From up there, I’d be surprised to see that!” “.

In the meantime, Luana Santonino’s husband wants to start new projects: “If a singer asks me to write songs for him, it will be gladly”, he assures. The theater interests him just as much. “Comedy why not too, but for a character sitting at the limit”, he confessed without saying more. To be continued…


to see also: Last minute – the singer Serge Lama in bad shape retires for good: “My body makes me suffer a lot”

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