All summer, in “It’s my job”, portraits of companies that are committed to the ecological transition. Wednesday, July 12, the portrait of Pascal Asselin, who founded Morfo with his brother, a way to plant thousands of trees.
Reading time : 1 min.

Morfo is a start-up that aims to restore large-scale forest ecosystems in tropical areas where the soil is degraded. And this, the very young company founded by Pascal Asselin and his brother does, with: “A small pellet of natural material in which we find seeds, micro-organisms and a whole lot of things that simply allow it to be placed on the ground and that it grows even on degraded soils“, says Pascal Asselin, the founder.
>> It’s my job, on the way to the ecological transition: the “Willy anti-gaspi” site to fight against food waste
VSDumplings are bombarded from the sky by drones. Morfo’s mission does not end there, there is a whole follow-up: “From aerial images of drones and satellites, we come to try to understand precisely what is happening on the ground”, confirms Pascal Asselin.
Morpho has already planted 500 hectares of forest in Guyana. Forest, but not only: Morfo wants to plant one million hectares of forest by 2030, in Guyana, Brazil and Gabon. For its founder, the planets are aligned to make it happen.