more than two million proxies registered


Video length: 1 min

Legislative 2024: more than two million proxies registered
Legislative 2024: more than two million proxies registered
(France 2)

More than two million proxies have been registered for the legislative elections. It is still possible to make one, it is the final stretch before the first round. Report.

In all the police stations, there is the same crowd: in Bordeaux (Gironde), the police even parked a bus in front of the police station to relieve the pressure on the services. The proxies are quick. “It’s very quick, I thought it was going to be longer, that I was going to have to queue. We do the procedures online, we follow the process, however we still have to have our identity validated”explains a man. Every day, 1000 to 2000 proxies are registered here. In Vienne, it is the police van that goes to meet the residents.

The observation is the same everywhere: it is the issue that motivates voters. “We are in a very complicated situation, so everyone needs to mobilize”defends a man. Be careful though: the prefectures are congested by the crowds and some are asking for 24 to 48 hours to deliver the voting mandate.

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