More than two hundred people in Ales showed their support for Ukraine

As in Nîmes, at the same time, more than 200 people gathered in front of the sub-prefecture of Alès (Gard) to demonstrate their support for Ukraine and its people. Demonstration at the call of the French Communist Party. Various speeches including that of the representatives of France Insoumise or the CGT to denounce “Vladimir Putin’s coup“.

I’m ready to pick them up in Poland

Among the demonstrators, Christian Romanyk who lives in Salles-du-Gardon. Of Ukrainian origin and divorced from a Ukrainian, he still has family there (near Polish border):”the west of the country is still relatively calm, even if my cousin heard the noise of the bombardments ten kilometers away” confides this pensioner to us.

His cousin who has taken refuge in the countryside – in case the situation worsens – could bring them to Poland, “I would go get them there and with my ex-wife, we agreed to also take her 3 nephews and nieces“.

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France must welcome refugees

Many elected officials among the demonstrators in front of the sub-prefecture of Alès. Including Patrick Malavieille, the mayor of Grand-Combe. The Cévennes – again as during the Kosovo war – should not fail in its tradition of welcoming : “About twenty Kosovar families were welcomed at Grand-Combe“explains the elected communist. “_We are ready to do it again for the Ukrainian refugees”, Patrick Malavieille wishing that everything be organized by national and supranational authorities.

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