This figure is up sharply compared to 2019, according to two studies by the Department of Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics (Drees).
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Nearly 80% of liberal general practitioners today consider the general medicine offer insufficient in their area of practice, according to two studies by the Department of Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics (Drees) published Thursday, May 25 and that France Bleu was able to consult.
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According to this study, the decline in medical demography is strongly felt by private general practitioners. The study points out that at the beginning of 2022, 78% of them considered “not being numerous enough on their territory“, whereas they were 67% in 2019. This development is mainly linked to the marked increase in the proportion of doctors who consider the supply to be very insufficient, which rose from 22% in 2019 to 34% in 2022, specifies the Dres.
The thorny issue of new patients
As a result, still according to this study, in 2022, two thirds (65%) of doctors said “be forced to refuse new patients“As a general practitioner, a figure again very sharply up on 2019, when 53% of them were forced to refuse new patients.”The proportion of doctors required to monitor some of their patients less regularly has increased from 40% in 2019 to 44% in 2022“, adds the Drees.
These figures come from two studies based on data from the latest wave of surveys by the Panel for the observation of practices and conditions of practice in general medicine, conducted by internet and by telephone between January 5 and January 22 April 2022. More than 1,550 doctors were interviewed for this survey wave.