more than six out of ten French people consider that inflation and rising prices are the priority issues on which the EU must intervene

According to the second edition of the Viavoice European barometer, more than six out of ten French people consider inflation and rising prices to be the major issues on which the European Union must intervene in a context of war in Europe. The barometer is published as the French presidency of the Union draws to a close. Emmanuel Macron took the lead on January 1, 2022, it ends this Thursday, June 30, six months later.

Among the results of this barometer, this figure: in the context of the war in Ukraine, 63% of French people place inflation and rising prices among the issues on which the EU must act as a priority in the coming months. A figure that shows the concern of the French for these questions. Second concern of the French: the question of energy sovereignty, for which 62% want the EU to ensure it around a strategy of energy independence. Finally, 52% of respondents believe that the protection of EU borders is a priority issue for the coming years.

Another result that emerges from this study, this time on a more military level: 59% of French people consider that the EU has an important role to play in resolving the war. They are also 59% in favor of the delivery of arms from the Union to Ukraine.

Six out of 10 French people (61%) believe that Emmanuel Macron was right to maintain the dialogue with Vladimir Poutine. Despite everything, more than half of respondents (52%) believe that the EU is not yet up to the task of this war, even if 59% believe that the role of the EU in resolving the war is important.

The context of the war highlights other lessons: more than seven out of ten French people (73%) believe that the war in Ukraine should encourage the EU to equip itself with a “European army” able to defend himself. 67% believe that the Member States of the Union should increase the share of their budget devoted to defence.

Finally, concerning the presidency of Emmanuel Macron at the head of the Union, the results are mixed: if 38% believe that he has chaired the EU well, 39% think the opposite. Another result, nearly one in two (48%) think that France does not emerge stronger from this presidency on the European and international scene.

Beyond the war in Ukraine, the study shows a certain pessimism about the situation in the EU. 74% are convinced that the European economy will deteriorate in the coming months (+28 points since the previous wave), 70% that living and working conditions will deteriorate (+15 points). And they are only 35% to have confidence in the EU in the face of environmental challenges.

The study was carried out online by Viavoice for radiofrance, France Télévisions and France Medias Monde from Thursday June 23 to Monday June 27, 2022 with a sample of 2,000 people residing in metropolitan France representative of the French population aged 18 and over. more.

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