Nearly 60% of SMEs and VSEs (very small businesses) plan to invest this year. This is what emerges from the latest survey published by Bpifrance, Le Lab and Rexecode. A very real optimism despite the difficult economic situation
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It was not won at this rather complicated start to the year, between rising raw material prices and supply difficulties, but the figures are there: 56% of SMEs and VSEs questioned by the former public bank of investment and the Rexecode economic institute have the ambition to develop their work tool. Two-thirds of them claim not to have cash flow problems and the weak economic situation does not scare them. A message that stands out among the studies published at the moment and which rather tend to put this optimism into perspective.
Another lesson from this study: the VSEs and SMEs in question are seeing a certain return to calm on supply tensions. To catch up, just over 60% of them still plan to sell their production at a higher price this year. This will not calm the inflation debate. And to deal with the major recruitment difficulties, the companies surveyed plan to increase salaries by 3.5% on average.
Funding issues
The VSEs and SMEs interviewed say they are having difficulties with their banks. In the ambient optimism, small businesses are finding their bankers increasingly cautious. 20% of bosses report difficulties obtaining financing from establishments that have become very cautious, particularly with the rise in interest rates and the next increases to come. The number of business leaders who encounter these difficulties increased by 5% in a single quarter.
This situation, to be put on the liabilities of the financiers, is reminiscent of the rant pushed by Emmanuel Macron recently at the Elysee Palace during a meeting with young technology companies. The President of the Republic had warned bankers who do not play the game: “We have the names, count on me to pick you up”.