more than a million tests carried out this Thursday in France, a record

The SI-DEP site, which manages the collection and transmission of test results, crashed for about twenty minutes, in the middle of the afternoon, due to the explosion in the number of tests carried out just before Christmas Eve .

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France has beaten the number of antigen and PCR tests carried out in one day. More than a million tests were carried out on Thursday, December 23, on the eve of Christmas Eve, reports Gilles Bonnefond, president of the Union syndicale des pharmaciens de dispensière, to franceinfo.

He specifies that we will not know until next week the exact number of tests carried out during Christmas week. But according to him, the million mark was again crossed on December 24.

This Friday, some French people had to show a little patience, before knowing their result. Due to this record number of tests carried out before Christmas, the SI-DEP site which manages the collection and transmission of results experienced a “saturation”. The system was “in bulk”, according to Gilles Bonnefond, for about twenty minutes this Friday, between 4:30 p.m. and 5 p.m. Since then, everything is back to normal. And the website is functioning normally again on the evening of December 24th.

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