More than a change of Speaker of the House of Commons

The blunder made by Mr. Rota, former Speaker of the House of Commons, highlights the danger inherent in the privileges attributed to this office when it comes to inviting people to special House events. The arrival of a new president will not change anything. He will not be better equipped to appreciate the guests he chooses (in his constituency or not) at the next Chamber event.

It seems to me that beyond the royal splendor that we want to maintain around the office of the president, we must remember that the Chamber is not his private room nor his electoral premises. It should go without saying that the latter has its guest list validated in advance by the government which, in principle, has all the filtering and information tools allowing it to ensure the relevance of the presence of this or that person. such guest. It is up to the government to make legislative changes to this effect.

I am still surprised that, to my knowledge, no elected official or political analyst has considered this aspect of the question.

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