France’s new adaptation plan to climate change is expected at the beginning of summer, according to the Minister of Ecological Transition.
Reading time: 3 min

“This year 2024 will be the year of adaptation”, declared Christophe Béchu. On Tuesday January 23, the Minister of Ecological Transition brought together elected officials and experts to debate adaptation, a term which covers actions to prepare to face the effects of climate change.
Shortly before today, the ministry commissioned and published a survey* entitled “The French and adaptation to climate change”, carried out by Toluna and Harris Interactive. It is first established that global warming is the second concern of the French, behind purchasing power and ahead of insecurity and the health system. Those over 35, French people with the highest incomes or those with the most education are the most worried.
Nine out of ten French people believe that we will have to change our habits
Faced with consequences that seven out of ten people say they have personally observed in recent years – notably through the increase in temperatures, the increase in the number and duration of heat waves, heatwaves and episodes of drought or even the decrease in snowfall –, “a large majority (86%) of the population say that climate change worries them”describes the study.
We must therefore adapt, in the eyes of the public questioned. “Nine out of ten French people believe that we will have to change our lifestyle to cope with the effects of climate change”, write the authors. Many already do so, since on an individual level, more than three out of four respondents (76%) say they have adapted their lifestyle during high heat (times for outings and activities, etc.) and 73% have reduced their water consumption (shower/bath, cleaning, watering, etc.). But beyond these gestures, 93% of those surveyed want actions to be put in place to adapt to climate change.
Little confidence in the executive to apply effective solutions
Certain solutions proposed as part of the study are thus considered more priority and important by the respondents: developing vegetation in the city (89%), strengthening priority infrastructure (89%), carrying out work in housing (88%) , replace certain agricultural or livestock production (87%) or even prohibit access to forests during periods of fire risk (86%). “In general, women and older French people consider it a greater priority to implement these different solutions to adapt the country to climate change”notes the study.
However, 59% of those surveyed “believe that there are not enough actions put in place to adapt the country to climate change”. And if the government is seen as the actor who must act as a priority to adapt the country, ahead of citizens, the European Union, businesses or communities, the French do not trust it to carry out this task.
While France is currently preparing its third national plan for adaptation to climate change, expected “at the beginning of summer”according to Christophe Béchu, only 38% of those questioned responded positively to the following question: “Do you trust or not in [le gouvernement français] to find good solutions to adapt France to the effects of climate change?”. Scientists and experts have the highest level of trust (79%). “Generally speaking, the actors whose role is considered the most important in the country’s adaptation to the effects of climate change are those who benefit from less confidence in the matter in the field, starting with the government”write the authors of the study.
*Toluna – Harris interactive survey carried out from January 5 to 9, 2024 on a sample of 2,037 people, constituting a representative sample (quota method) interviewed online.
Since the 19th century, the average temperature of the Earth warmed by 1.1°C. Scientists have established with certainty that this increase is due to human activities, which consume fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas). This warming, unprecedented in its speed, threatens the future of our societies and biodiversity. But solutions – renewable energies, sobriety, reduced meat consumption – exist. Discover our answers to your questions on the climate crisis.