The main admission phase ends this Friday evening at midnight on the platform. Students without assignment can still count on the complementary admission phase, which must end in mid-September.
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The summer holidays officially begin on the evening of Friday July 7 and they have a bitter taste for 84,811 students. The latter have still not obtained an assignment proposal for the next school year on Parcoursup, according to the Ministry of Higher Education, while the main admission phase ends Friday evening at midnight on this platform.
Among these students without assignment, the ministry counts 42,146 high school students, 25,471 candidates requesting reorientation and 17,194 high school students educated abroad (out of 917,000 candidates). A decrease compared to last year, where 94,187 candidates (out of 936,000) were still waiting for a proposal, when this main phase ended on Parcoursup.
Placed on a waiting list in the courses for which they have expressed their wishes, these students have waited until now for places to become available. These candidates who have remained unassigned still have a solution: they can resort to the complementary admission phase. Since June 15, this second salvo has allowed them to make up to ten new wishes for training courses where places are still available, until September 12. These students can also seek help from the higher education access commission of their academy, in order to find the training that best suits their professional project.