The usefulness of the profession is shared more by young people aged 18-24 and those aged 60 and over than by French people aged 25-34.
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More than 8 out of 10 French people (85%) believe that journalism is a useful profession, according to a Viavoice survey for the International Journalism Conference in Tours, published Monday March 25 in partnership with Radio France, France Télévisions, France Médias Monde and West France. If this score is still down compared to 2022 (90% two years ago), it still marks a slight improvement in one year (84% during the previous edition of the barometer). The usefulness of the profession is shared more by young people aged 18-24 (90%) and those aged 60 and over (89%) than by French people aged 25-34 (79%).
Trust in the media is declining
If the vast majority of French people (72%) still trust information from professional media, this is the lowest score since the health crisis in February 2020 (69%). Alongside this, trust in information relayed by those around them and friends, particularly on social networks, is increasing, going from 10% to 12% in one year. And it is especially those aged 18-24 (21%) and employees and workers (17%) who place the most trust in this relayed information (compared to 7% of those aged 60 and over and 7% of executives). The study also notes a slight difference depending on political color, since 15% of left-wing supporters, 14% of abstainers and 11% of far-right supporters acknowledge having more confidence in the information relayed (compared to 7% of supporters of the presidential majority and 9% of right-wing supporters).
The level of confidence varies slightly depending on the themes covered by the media. If 78% of French people trust the information provided on sport, this score drops to 41% regarding political life, 55% regarding the economy and 56% concerning the climate emergency.
Against disinformation, the French demand fair and quality information
Journalism is considered essential in a democratic society by 79% of respondents, a score down 5 points compared to 2022. Fewer French people than last year still perceive journalism as a mediation between power and counter-power (46% in 2024 against 50% in 2023).
In general, the French are demanding fair and quality information, especially since 88% of respondents are seeing more and more rumors or false information on the internet and social networks. 73% of French people also find it increasingly difficult to distinguish the site from a serious media outlet, relaying real information, and sites relaying all kinds of unverified information. Faced with this observation, 6 out of 10 French people (65%) therefore expect journalists to verify false information and disinformation. A little less than half of those surveyed (46%) are also looking for practical and useful information on a daily basis.
Methodology :
This survey was carried out by Viavoice for the International Journalism Conference in Tours, of which Radio France is a partner with France Télévisions, France Médias Monde and Ouest France. The interviews were carried out online from February 29 to March 4, 2024 with a sample of 1,001 people, representative of the French population aged 18 and over residing in mainland France, using the quota method applied to gender criteria, age, socio-professional category, regions and urban categories.