The orange storm warning has been lifted and on Thursday, the departments placed on rain-flood alert will no longer be on alert.
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The southwest of the country is still on alert. Haute-Garonne, Gers, Hautes-Pyrénées, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, already placed on orange alert for “rain-flooding”, have been joined by Ariège, according to the bulletin published Wednesday, August 14 at 6 a.m. by Météo-France. “Stormy rains have already brought locally significant precipitation accumulations on Tuesday evening in the south of Aquitaine and tonight in Ariège (30 to 50 mm, occasionally more)”, assures the forecaster. Moderate rains will resume “until midday on Wednesday (…), thus, over the entire episode, we generally expect 50 to 80 mm and very occasionally 100 mm”he added. The alert is expected to end at noon on Wednesday.
For the heatwave alert, it does not change. The Alpes-Maritimes, Haute-Corse and Corse-du-Sud remain on orange alert. This episode is “not exceptional, but quite durable” and is expected to extend until Thursday.