more than 75,000 euros to the families of certain soldiers who died in Ukraine or Syria

Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree to compensate the families of soldiers in the National Guard, a unit created in 2016.

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The families of Russian National Guard soldiers who died in Ukraine or Syria will receive compensation of five million rubles (75,900 euros at the current rate), under the terms of a decree signed Monday, June 6 by Vladimir Putin. In April, a similar decree had already been signed by the Russian president for border guards stationed on the outskirts of Ukrainian territory, as well as “volunteers” who died during the Russian offensive in Ukraine.

The Russian National Guard was established in 2016. Responsible for tasks normally assigned to riot control forces and elite police units, such as maintaining public order, it reports directly to the head of the Russian state.

Russian officials have remained very discreet about the number of National Guard deaths in Ukraine or Syria. At the end of March, the Ministry of Defense announced that 1,351 soldiers, all units combined, had been killed on Ukrainian soil, with experts and Western officials believing that the real number is much higher.

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