more than 7 million views for this controversial column

This Tuesday, November 28, 2023, Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine hosted a new issue of C to you

on France 5. During this unpublished episode, Patrick Cohen notably mentioned the murder of Thomas, a 16-year-old rugby player, which occurred in Crépol on the night of November 18 to 19. “In this Drôme village of 500 inhabitants, there was a ball in the village hall”he explained before continuing: “At the end of the evening, around ten young people mingle with the 400 participants, they are not from the village, they have come to have fun, to pick up girls, no incident until the last song of the evening, Tchikita , by the rapper Jul. This is where, according to those accused, one of the participants in the ball, a rugby player, pulled the long hair of one of the members of the group while calling him a Tchikita, it’s i.e. sexy girl…” According to Patrick Cohen, would then have followed a “altercation” during which the “offended” would have released “knives”.

Also see: Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine soon to be replaced by Aurélie Casse in “C à vous”? The show’s production makes an unexpected statement!


Faced with the elements provided by the 61-year-old journalist, many viewers reacted. Some have pointed the finger at the columnist’s position in this matter. “‘They came to have fun, to pick up girls’ WITH 20 CM KNIVES? And it ends in the murder of a 16 year old kid? Who are you kidding Patrick Cohen? You are going to justify, minimize, rationalize how far into the mire? You are the one who is polarizing society by euphemizing the situation. You are not doing ANYONE a favor by doing this, not even those you think you are defending. At this point, it is more than denial , It’s provocation”actress Béatrice Rosen was indignant.

If the controversial sequence has been viewed more than 7 million times on X, formerly Twitter, the comments in agreement with the ex-columnist of Do not touch My TV are multiplying on the Web. Patrick Cohen is obviously at the heart of a huge scandal.


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