more than 66 million euros will be paid to political parties and groups for 2022

A total of 66 155 387.84 euros will be paid to political parties and groups as public aid for 2022, indicates a decree published on Tuesday February 1 in the Official Journal. This public aid is calculated according to the representation in Parliament of each political party and grouping.

At the top of the table, we find La République en Marche, with public aid of nearly 21 millions of euros (20 981 €736.92), then Les Républicains with 13 millions of euros (€13,048,417.84) and the Socialist Party with nearly 6 million (5,946 €460.24). Then comes the National Rally with just over 5 million euros (5 179,574.67 €)an amount almost identical to that of the Democratic Movement with (5 056,240.40 €), and La France insoumise with more than 4 million (4 385 899.28 €).

The Union of Democrats, Radicals and Liberals collected nearly 4 million euros (€3,959,891.98), Europe Ecologie-Les Verts just over 2 million (€2,167,531.31), a amount slightly higher than that of the French Communist Party (2,163,162.27 €). On their side, Solidarity Regions and Peoples garners 799 091.92 euros, the Radical Left Party 604 050.32 euros and Debout la France 505 131.83 euros.

Parties that have not complied with the requirement of parity of candidacies during the general renewal of the National Assembly in 2017 are subject to penalties that reduce the public assistance they receive. The most important, amounting to 1,787,354.47 euros, hits Les Républicains. Then comes La France insoumise with a penalty of 252,443.04 euros.

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