more than 6,000 construction jobs created by 2030 in the Bouches-du-Rhône

The construction sector is recruiting, and it is recruiting in droves. This is what ensures this Tuesday, October 11 Patricia Blanchet, the president of the CAPEB
(Confederation of Crafts and Small Building Companies) of Bouches-du-Rhône, the employers’ union representing the building trades. By 2030, these are 6000 jobs that will be created.

A sector that is recruiting thanks to energy renovation

According to the president, “by 2030, more than 6,000 jobs in the Bouches du Rhône will be created to meet the energy renovation needs of existing buildings. So yes, construction is a dynamic sector, a provider of jobs“. Patricia Blanchet specifies that the ecological transition is in particular the main issue of the sector_._

“Today we have much more in-depth expertise in new materials, explains the president. New working methods and above all a new approach to the act of building and renovating. We must support our companies and newcomers towards new and much more specialized skills.”


It ensures that the needs are great and that there are prospects for development in the building trades. However, she opposes the idea that the sector is struggling to attract because these are difficult jobs: “Today, we have evolved, we have worked precisely to reduce this arduousness.

For Patricia Blanchet, this sector is also attracting more and more young people, particularly in the context of an apprenticeship: “In 2017-2018 in the Bouches du Rhône, we had 2008 apprentices. The latest results we have from 2020-2021, we have 3030 apprentices”. That is an increase of more than 50%. Note thata young person who has just had his CAP starts with a net salary of €1630.

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