more than 60 countries expected in London for the reconstruction of the country

Rebuilding infrastructure, demining, financing public services… Leaders and representatives from more than 60 countries are expected on Wednesday June 21 and Thursday June 22 in London for a conference on the reconstruction of Ukraine. If the immediate needs are evaluated at 14 billion (12.8 billion euros) by the World Bank, the more general recovery of the country’s economy will cost 411 billion dollars (376.5 billion euros) according to a study recent news from international institutions and the Ukrainian government. Follow our live.

The counter-offensive is advancing “gradually”. In a message on Telegram, the Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine said that the offensive “continues in several parts of the South”. “But the enemy is not giving up the positions they are holding and fierce fighting and a very intense battle continues,” she described.

Seven localities attacked in the region of Sumy. According to the administration of Sumy in Ukraine, Russian forces shelled seven localities in this oblast. Nearly 109 ammunition of several types of weapons were found, reports The Kyiv Independent.

London unveils a new aid plan. The UK will increase its non-military aid to €5.5 billion, in the form of humanitarian aid and World Bank guarantees and credits to keep public services running. Added to this is 240 million pounds (280 million euros) of bilateral aid, intended in particular for demining and humanitarian projects.

Thousands of Ukrainian soldiers trained by the EU. European Union countries will train 30,000 Ukrainian troops in 2023, Ukraine’s Defense Ministry said. “The strategic objective is to strengthen the capabilities of the Ukrainian Armed Forces for the effective conduct of operations […] protection of civilians”wrote the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine on Telegram.

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