more than 500,000 people have fled the country to take refuge in neighboring countries, according to the UN

Since the beginning of the violent combats which oppose the Russian troops to the Ukrainian army, the civilians try by all the means to reach the bordering countries to find shelter.

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An ever more massive exodus. More than 500,000 people have left Ukraine to take refuge in several neighboring countries since the start of the vast Russian military offensive on Thursday, tweeted on Monday February 28, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi.

The civilians are trying to reach the neighboring countries by all means to find shelter. In crowded trains, in cars and sometimes on foot with scant luggage, women and children mainly – men of fighting age are not allowed to leave Ukraine – are taken care of once they cross the border.

Hungary has received 84,586 refugees according to this latest count, Moldova more than 36,000 and Romania and Slovakia around 30,000 each. Some 34,600 people were able to go directly to other European countries. Ukrainian citizens are exempt from visa in the European Union and in Switzerland in particular.

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