more than 500,000 high school seniors take the dreaded philosophy test today

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09:12 : It’s time to take stock of the news.

Guest of franceinfo, Rachida Dati affirmed that Les Républicains resist “through clarity, consistency and local presence”, while his party won 10.4% of the vote in the first round of legislative elections. Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne is expected in Calvados to lead the campaign for the second round. Follow our live.

• The heat wave arrives in France. Climatologist Christophe Cassou explains what a “heat feather” is.

• Geneva airport has announced a gradual resumption of flights after complete paralysis due to a computer failure. Of unknown origin for the moment, this problem caused the closure of Swiss airspace.

• Russia has called on the Ukrainians to end their “absurd resistance” in Sievierodonetsk and proposed a “humanitarian corridor” to evacuate civilians. Volodymyr Zelensky, for his part, urged his compatriots to “hold out” in the Donbass.

Beginning of the general and technological baccalaureate with the philosophy test for more than half a million high school students who will work on three subjects of their choice (two essays and a text commentary) provided for within the framework of the new formula, decided by the former Minister of National Education Jean-Michel Blanquer. Follow our live.

07:51 : Stress won’t get the better of you during the Grand Oral. We have compiled for you, with the help of Cyril Delhay, professor of public speaking who participated in the development of this test, eleven tips and tricks to better understand this great moment of public speaking. It is to be read here.

07:51 : “Certainly, this Grand Oral serves to validate your oratorical skills and your knowledge. But it is also a meeting, a moment when you share a little of yourself.”

07:51 : You, or your child, will pass in a few days the Grand oral of the baccalaureate and it is the total stress? Do not panic, franceinfo is there. Cyril Delhay, professor of public speaking, who participated in the development of this test, gave me some tips and tricks to help you better manage this intimidating exam.

07:31 : As the philosophy test begins for high school students in the general and technological streams, The cross is interested in this discipline and its contribution to young people.

09:04 : We begin with the traditional point on the news.

Last night, Emmanuel Macron spoke about the legislative elections: he called for a “solid majority”, in the name of“higher interest of the Nation”. “The boat sinks, Macron takes the plane”, mocked Jean-Luc Mélenchon at a meeting in Toulouse on Tuesday evening.

• Emmanuel Macron arrived in Romania last night to greet the 500 French soldiers who have been deployed there since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, before a support visit to Moldova on Wednesday and a possible delicate trip to kyiv.

• Russia has called on the Ukrainians to end their “absurd resistance” in Sievierodonetsk and proposed a “humanitarian corridor” to evacuate civilians. Volodymyr Zelensky, for his part, urged his compatriots to “hold out” in the Donbass.

Beginning of the general and technological baccalaureate with the philosophy test for more than half a million high school students who will work on three subjects of their choice (two essays and a text commentary) provided for within the framework of the new formula, decided by the former Minister of National Education Jean-Michel Blanquer.

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