more than 300 people fined during a rave party in Guerlesquin

Despite the ban from the prefecture, the participants gathered on Saturday evening in former slaughterhouses in Guerlesquin in Finistère.

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An investigation was opened by the Brest prosecutor’s office and entrusted to the gendarmes, after the illegal rave party which brought together more than 1,000 people, on the night of Saturday 30 to Sunday 31 October, in Guerlesquin, in Finistère, France reported. Bleu Breizh Izel Monday. The organizers have been identified, they are being prosecuted for “organizing a prohibited rally”.

More than 300 people were fined during this weekend. Of the people fined, 298 people were fined for nighttime commotion, 28 for drug use and 30 for driving while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs. A case of sexual exhibition has also been reported.

The participants gathered on Saturday evening, in the former Tilly-Sabco chicken slaughterhouses despite the ban by the prefecture. She had issued a decree on Friday to ban illegal gatherings until November 2 on the occasion of Halloween weekend. About twenty participants are still present on the site on Monday.

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