more than 30 dead in a double attack in the center of the country

Earlier on Wednesday, at least three people were killed in an attack on the airport in the Somali capital Mogadishu, this time rclaimed by the Shebab Islamists.

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The locality of Beledweyne, in central Somalia, was hit by two successive attacks on Wednesday March 23 in the evening. “The terrorists carried out the first attack with a suicide bomber and had a car loaded with explosives ready in front of the hospital in order to cause more victims”, said Thursday, March 24, a local police official, Isak Ali Abdulle, quoted by AFP. The second explosion alone killed more than 30 people, he added.

The first attack killed two incumbent MPs, including elected Amina Mohamed Abdi, who was campaigning for re-election, as well as “various” of his guards. “After [la première] explosion, the dead and injured were taken as usual to the main hospital (…) but the second explosion which came from a car bomb took place in front of the hospital”, added the policeman.

On Wednesday morning, at least three people were killed in an attack on the airport in the Somali capital Mogadishu, a highly protected compound housing UN offices, embassies and an African Union force base (Amisom ). The latter was claimed by the Shebab Islamists.

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