More than 270 migrants rescued in the central Mediterranean

(Frankfurt) The German NGO Sea-Watch announced on Saturday that it had rescued a total of more than 270 migrants in the central Mediterranean as part of three rescue operations carried out since Friday by its ship, the Sea watch 3.

the Sea watch 3 assisted two inflatable boats in distress overnight and early on Christmas Saturday morning, the NGO announced on its Twitter account.

There were around 100 and 80 people aboard the two overcrowded rubber dinghies that were rescued about 38 nautical miles from the Libyan coast, a spokesperson told AFP.

The crew of the Sea watch is now caring for around 270 migrants in total, after a first rescue on Friday morning of 93 migrants who were in international waters south of the Italian island of Lampedusa.


Two migrant women are welcomed by Italian authorities at the port of Pozzallo, Sicily, on December 24.

The team members Sea watch 3 then launched an inflatable boat to evacuate the passengers from their wooden boat described as “unfit for navigation” by the NGO.

the Sea watch 3 began Thursday evening its “Christmas operation” while all over Europe “the atmosphere is festive” while “people continue to flee across the Mediterranean”, according to another tweet.

Migrant boats, often in poor condition and liable to sink, frequently make their way to Lampedusa due to its proximity to the North African coast.

the Sea watch 3 has been sailing off the Libyan coast since November 2017 and actively looking for boats in distress.

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