more than 2,500 dead on both camps



Video duration:
1 minute

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – A.Boutet, J.Chouquet

France Televisions

Six days after the Hamas attack in Israel, the Jewish state continues to respond in Gaza. The families of the missing French people have launched an appeal for help.

On the sixth day of strikes on Gaza, the deluge of fire continues. Officially Israel targets Hamas targets, but entire buildings fall. In hospitals, which lack everything, the injured are sometimes treated on the floor. More than 1,300 Palestinian deaths and 1,200 on the Israeli side. On Thursday, October 12, Hamas rockets targeted southern Israel. The Jewish state mobilized massively and 360,000 reservists were recalled.

12 French people dead, 17 missing

In Gaza, around 150 hostages, including French people, are believed to be held. Their Franco-Israeli families launched an appeal to the President of the Republic. “Emmanuel Macron, you have the power to bring them home“, says Meitav Journo, sister of Karine Journo. “Emmanuel Macron should act as if this attack had taken place in Paris“, assures Ido Nagar, husband of Céline Ben David-Nagar. The number of French victims reaches 12 dead and 17 missing, including four children.

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