more than 250 elected officials sign a text against pornographic violence

This non-binding motion for a resolution follows a Senate report published last September.

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Their objective : “make the fight against pornographic violence a public policy priority”. More than 250 senators have co-signed a proposed cross-partisan resolution against pornographic violence, AFP learned from the signatories on Monday, February 13.

The presidents of the eight political groups in the Senate are among the signatories. This text will be discussed in the hemicycle of the Senate on March 1, on the eve of the kick-off of the debates on the pension reform. The motion for a resolution, which is not binding, follows a shocking Senate report published last September, denouncing the excesses of the porn industry and calling on the government to act.

In their report, senators Annick Billon (centrist president of the delegation for Women’s Rights), Alexandra Borchio Fontimp (LR), Laurence Cohen (CRCE with a communist majority) and Laurence Rossignol (PS) denounced productions “which reach the paroxysm of violence”. “The omerta that weighs on violence committed in a context of pornography must end”they say in the explanatory memorandum to their motion for a resolution.

Reinforce fiscal and penal measures

The proposal drawn up by the authors of the report invites the government “to implement an interministerial plan to combat this violence” and to “explore all tax measures to tax the activity of the porn industry and the billions of euros in profits it generates each year”.

It also recommends strengthening the criminal arsenal. The text makes several proposals in parallel to protect the youngest from exposure to pornographic content. On the question of access to porn sites, the way in which these sites will have to verify the age of their users must be presented soon by the government, Arcom and Cnil.

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