more than 20,000 amendments were tabled before the text was examined by the deputies

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6:00 p.m. : Hello franceinfo. We have voted (well, let’s say some of us) to elect MPs to change our daily lives, and what are they doing? Systematic political obstruction. Lamentable. The National Assembly is not a roundabout. Have a good evening

5:59 p.m. : And politicians want us to take them seriously. Sorry.

5:58 p.m. : 20,000 amendments tabled, that makes 34 amendments per MEP!

5:58 p.m. : It’s ridiculous for amendments that change a letter or a comma, it leaves no room for discussing the adjustments/improvements to be made to the reform project.

5:58 p.m. : In the comments, many of you deplore the filing of more than 20,000 amendments before the start of the examination, on Monday, of the pension reform project in the National Assembly.

5:54 p.m. : Hello @kat ! We are actually looooooooooin from the record, held by a bill on energy dating from 2006, reminds us Le “137,449 amendments announced, 24 hours before the closing of the deposit. That is a theoretical production of at least 10 million pages, reaching nearly 1,000 meters in height and weighing nearly 50 tons”, detailed an article from then. It looked like this:


5:50 p.m. : Hello ! Is this a record for the number of amendments tabled for a bill? Thanks !

5:43 p.m. : Hello @Martin. The PS has tabled amendments. According to the information that we have just been given, a little over 1,400 have been deposited by Oliver Faure’s group. We remind you that these figures are subject to change, since certain amendments will undoubtedly be deemed inadmissible.

5:40 p.m. : You do not mention the Socialist Party in your list. Has he tabled any amendments? Thanks

5:36 p.m. : 20,270 amendments were therefore tabled. In 2010, Woerth reform: 600 amendments. In 2013, Touraine reform: 800 amendments. Examining all these amendments would require 4 months of parliamentary debate. 4 months. They know it is impossible. It’s called obstruction.

5:35 p.m. : By tabling thousands of amendments, the NUPES will allow the government to pass the pension reform in first reading, without a vote. We had the option of rejecting this text, but their stupid strategy of obstruction will prevent us from doing so.

5:35 p.m. : The leaders of the parties at the Palais-Bourbon are already reacting to the large number of amendments tabled on the pension reform bill. Aurore Bergé, the patroness of the Renaissance deputies, and Marine Le Pen, head of the RN group in the Assembly, speak on Twitter.

5:39 p.m. : For the moment, there are 20,508 amendments, according to a parliamentary source at franceinfo. This figure will however go down after examination of their admissibility. Here is the detail of which we are currently aware, figures subject to change:

• Insubordinate France 12,998
• Europe Ecology-The Greens 2,363
• FCP 1,170
• Republicans 1,301
• Revival 443
• National Rally 240
• LIOT (Freedoms, independents, overseas and territories) 198
• Unregistered 170
• Modem 86
• Horizon 85

It should be noted that 17 amendments were tabled by the government.

5:26 p.m. : More than 20,000 amendments were tabled to the text of the pension reform bill, before the start of its examination in the National Assembly on Monday. Nearly 13,000 of them were by La France insoumise.

4:28 p.m. : Let us now move on to another social mobilization: those against the pension reform bill. The eight main unions are calling for mobilization on Tuesday February 7 and Saturday February 11. In the refineries and at the SNCF, additional strike days are planned. We take stock here.

4:16 p.m. : It doesn’t start very strong. At the end of the three days of work planned in the Social Affairs Committee on the pension reform project, the deputies did not go further than article 2 of the text. At the end of this “act 1” of the debates in the National Assembly, the deputies of the presidential camp are already expressing their frustration. “Fiasco”, “mess”…Here’s what they told our reporter Audrey Tison.

4:15 p.m. : A 49.3 to pass the pension bill? “We [n’en] does not want on any text, but particularly on strong texts like this”, said Stéphanie Rist, rapporteur for the text. MP Renaissance “really hope we can go all the way” during the debates in the hemicycle, she said during a meeting with the Association of Social Information Journalists (Ajis). And to add: “It will depend on the number of amendments tabled and the strategy of our oppositions”.

3:49 p.m. : Hello . To be “admissible”an amendment formulated by the members of the Parliament must not entail, if it is adopted, “either a diminution of public resources, or the creation or aggravation of a public charge”. And this under Article 40 of the Constitution. The amendments are therefore “in process” until the services of the National Assembly rule on their admissibility.

3:26 p.m. : Hello, what is the difference between those “in processing” and those “in admissibility”? Thanks !

3:09 p.m. : Come on, it’s 3 p.m., we’re making a new point on #Retirement reform amendments (5 p.m. for the gong, I’ll remind you!): 16,866 have been submitted at this stage. In detail, 7854 in processing and 9012 in admissibility.

3:08 p.m. : MPs have until 5 p.m. to table amendments to the pension reform bill. Two hours before the deadline, 16,866 have already been filed (7,854 in processing and 9,012 in admissibility), underlines our journalist Margaux Duguet, on Twitter.

2:46 p.m. : TotalEnergies employees will not stop the group’s refineries on Tuesday and Wednesday, as part of the protest against the pension bill. “What we are going to offer them for 48 hours is ‘nothing goes in, nothing comes out’, as usual”, told AFP Thierry Defresne, CGT secretary of the TotalEnergies Europe committee. First, we have to “to test [grèves] renewable”before considering a production shutdown, he continued.

1:18 p.m. : It is past 1 p.m. and more than 14,000 amendments have already been tabled for the examination of the text of the retreats which begin Monday in the hemicycle. In detail: 6744 in processing and 7636 in admissibility.

1:17 p.m. : At 5 p.m., it will be too late to table new amendments to the pension bill. The deputies will already have a lot of reading, since more than 14,000 amendments have already been tabled, notes our journalist Margaux Duguet on Twitter.

1:08 p.m. : One-off or renewable strike? Simple call to demonstrate or strike notice included for Saturday, February 11? On these questions, the federations of railway workers do not form a common front. The CGT and SUD Rail have decided to call on the railway workers to strike not only on Tuesday February 7, but also the next day and perhaps more. A position rejected by the CFDT and Unsa, who prefer to stick to the watchword of the eight main French unions.

12:35 p.m. : “We call for everything to be done to widely mobilize young people. In particular by voting in the general assembly to block our places of study, high schools, universities on February 7th.”

The main youth organizations are calling for the blocking of universities and high schools on February 7, to oppose the pension reform.

11:33 am : In this period marked by the vast debate on pensions, the figure is not insignificant: according to a survey published today by the Institut Montaigne, 77% of workers say they are satisfied with their work. The study was conducted among 5,001 people by this liberal-inspired think tank.

10:44 am : ??️ “I expect the majority to come together, it’s when it’s hard that we have to come together and it’s certainly not the time to scatter”: @BrunoLeMaire to @agindre in #LesMatinsLCI | #PensionReform.

10:45 a.m. : Before the arrival of the pension reform in plenary session at the National Assembly, from Monday, the government is confident about the outcome of the examination of the text in the lower house. “I believe we will have a majority in Parliament”explained Bruno Le Maire on LCI, this morning, in tune with the other members of the executive.

09:38 : Hello and thank you @Louise ! This evening, the head of government will respond live to questions from Caroline Roux and the French on the bill currently under consideration in the National Assembly. This interview will be followed by a special evening of debates with several personalities including Laurent Berger (CFDT), but also Gabriel Attal (Renaissance), Clémentine Autain (LFI-Nupes), Jordan Bardella (RN) and Eric Ciotti (Les Républicains) .

09:37 : Hello FI. Regarding France 2’s political program tonight with the Prime Minister on the subject of pensions, do you know who will be the other politicians invited as opponents of this divisive reform, please? Thank you and have a nice day on this always precise thread ?

09:10 : It’s 9:06 a.m., it’s time to take stock of the main news headlines:

• The 18-year-old schoolgirl, who had not been seen since January 25, was found dead last night. The main suspect confessed in police custody.

• Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu is expected in Paris today to meet Emmanuel Macronamid growing tensions around Iran.

Before the examination of the pension reform by the deputies from Monday, Elisabeth Borne is the guest of France 2, this evening, at 8:40 p.m.

• Russia today celebrates 80 years since the Soviet victory in the Battle of Stalingrad, asRussian strike kills two in Kramatorsk.

08:48 : The government and the opposition have diametrically opposed positions on whether or not to reform the pension system. We have looked at some of their arguments and proposals, such as taxing billionaires or increasing contributions by a few euros per month.


07:34 : In the aftermath of the unfinished examination of the amendments to the pension reform in the Social Affairs Committee, this theme is still prominently featured in the morning dailies. “Laziness vs effort, the new divide”title Opinion when Humanity refers to the impact of the reform on women, who would not “neither fooled nor submissive”. At last, Release evokes the “impassive mission” by Elisabeth Borne, who will be the guest of France 2 this evening.


06:10 : Let’s take a look at the main news headlines for this Thursday, February 2 at 6:10 a.m.:

• The text voted by the Senate in favor of a proposal for constitutional reform on abortion, which now aims to include the “freedom” to resort to abortion under the conditions of the law, will now return to the Assembly.

• A residential building in Kramatorsk, eastern Ukraine, was destroyed by a Russian strike that killed at least two people.

• Forty-eight hours after a new day of mobilization against the pension reform, Elisabeth Borne is the guest of France 2, this evening, in the program “L’Evénement”.

• Paris Saint-Germain are concerned about Kylian Mbappé, injured last night against Montpellier, less than two weeks before his club’s crucial match against Bayern Munich in the Champions League.

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