more than 19,000 Armenians on the roads of exile


Video length:
1 minute

France info

The exodus continues in Nagorno-Karabakh. More than 19,000 refugees have reached Armenia since the end of fighting last week and the defeat of Armenian separatists by Azerbaijani troops.

On the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan, refugees from Nagorno-Karabakh arrive by the hundreds every day. The enclave is emptying of its inhabitants. “We won’t be able to go back there, how could we? Our Karabakh will no longer exist. There is no help, from any country. No country speaks for us”confides Grigor, a relative of refugees.

Local associations on the front line

The refugees are welcomed by the Armenian Red Cross, which gives them water and food. Most of them are heading to Goris, a mountain town 20 km away, whose theater now serves as a temporary accommodation center. “With our children, we left our homes to come here. Who are we doing this to? Our nation has been sold out by a government that doesn’t know what it’s doing“, deplores a woman. Even if the Armenian government says it is ready to receive 40,000 families, local associations are on the front line.

source site-29