More than 170 Ukrainian refugees in Indre since the start of the conflict

Almost two months ago, on Thursday February 24, 2022, the Russian invasion of Ukraine began, pushing thousands and then millions of people to flee the country. The first refugees arrived in Berry in March, welcomed in particular by the AFPAs, in conjunction with the prefectures. In Indre, there are now 175 Ukrainians, including around forty minors, to have reported to the State services to benefit from an accompaniment.

The Indre prefecture has fine-tuned its reception procedure with the aim of integrating these Ukrainians as quickly as possible. Grouped together in a one-stop shop around the AFPA (National Agency for Adult Vocational Training), the State services issue a temporary residence permit, organize a visit to a doctor for these refugees, ask them to fill out a questionnaire in order to find out about their backgrounds, their diplomas and to find them a job. The AFPA also serves as a reception center but for a short period: three weeks maximum. The refugees are then directed to more permanent accommodation.

The prefecture calls on all refugees to report quickly to start the procedures

Most of the refugees arrive from Ile-de-France through operations organized by the authorities. But others arrive by their own means, directly at the inhabitant’s.We are faced with this difficulty, people who will hesitate to present themselves to the services of the State” explains Céline Bures, director of cabinet of the prefecture of Indre. “I can only encourage them to do so. The idea is to allow care, health coverage and integration into society.“The issuance of the residence permit can also be delayed if the refugees do not report immediately.

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