more than 150,000 people have died from Covid-19 since the start of the pandemic

The country still recorded nearly 150,000 new cases on Saturday.

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The virus has claimed the lives of more than 150,000 people in the United Kingdom, the British government announced on Saturday (January 8th). More specifically, 313 new deaths due to Covid-19 were recorded on Saturday, bringing to 150,057 since the start of the pandemic the total number of people who died 28 days after a positive test.

With a few words on a black background, in another tweet, Prime Minister Boris Johnson sent a message of condolence, stressing how much “each and everyone” who died “remain a profound loss for affected families, friends and communities.”

The United Kingdom still has tens of thousands of infections linked to the Omicron variant, although after a daily record last week, the figures have stalled for several days, with 146,390 new cases on Saturday. Even if the number of patients in hospital is so far lower than in previous waves, the pressure on the British health system remains very strong.

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