more than 150 cats and dogs found piled into a truck



Video length: 2 min

Animal abuse: more than 150 cats and dogs found piled into a truck
Animal abuse: more than 150 cats and dogs found piled into a truck
(France 2)

More than 150 animals, mainly cats and dogs, were found malnourished and among excrement and corpses, in a truck in Saint-Malo. The British driver, who was traveling across Europe with her 8-year-old daughter, said she planned to save any animals she found along the way.

More than 130 cats and 19 dogs. Poorly cared for, infected with parasites, with only wood shavings as litter. Four of them died. This is the dismaying discovery made by Christophe Pavie, volunteer at the Saint-Malo SPA (Ille-et-Vilaine), Thursday May 16. According to him, their British owner had hidden them in the back of his truck. The animals were collected from shelters throughout France. Among the dogs, Willow, a gaunt greyhound, has little chance of surviving.

The driver and her 8-year-old daughter are said to have crossed the whole of Europe, collecting these animals along the way. What some call Noah syndrome, i.e. “wanting to save all animals at all costs whatever the circumstances, (…) including at the expense of the animals”, explains Philippe Allain, director of the Saint-Malo SPA. The associations filed a complaint against the owner, who remained free until her trial in a few months.

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