Video length: 2 min
“Choose France” summit: more than 15 billion euros in foreign investments for 56 projects
“Choose France” summit: more than 15 billion euros in foreign investments for 56 projects
Monday May 13, in Versailles (Yvelines), the “Choose France” summit resulted in 15 billion euros invested in France by foreign companies. They must make it possible to create new jobs.
4 billion euros will be invested by Microsoft in Haut-Rhin. Amazon will invest 1.2 billion euros in France, particularly in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. In total, more than 15 billion euros of foreign investment must arrive, and 56 projects must see the light of day, after the “Choose France” summit which was held in Versailles (Yvelines), Monday May 13.
In Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis), one of the largest data centers in France continues to expand. The American Equinix has just announced an additional 630 million euros. Inside, kilometers of computer servers are spread over 18,000 square meters. “For each site built, dozens of recruitments are necessary“, explains Anass Mhaidra, director of the Equinix site in Saint-Denis. These foreign investments are supposed to generate activity in all the regions concerned, and create numerous jobs.