more than 140,000 dead in France since the start of the epidemic, the rebound in contamination is confirmed

With 72,399 positive cases recorded in 24 hours, the average for the last seven days is back above 60,000, against just over 52,000 a week earlier.

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It is a sadly symbolic threshold. More than 140,000 deaths linked to Covid-19 were recorded on Friday March 11, two years after the start of the epidemic, according to Public Health France, whose daily figures confirm the “rebound” contaminations observed for a week.

Two years almost to the day after the first confinement, the authorities counted 140,029 people infected with Covid-19 and died in hospital, retirement homes or other medico-social establishments, i.e. 134 more than the day before.

The 130,000 mark had been exceeded on January 27, which means that the fifth epidemic wave took 10,000 patients in six weeks.

In the meantime, the rate of contamination has collapsed, before starting a recovery for a few days. With 72,399 positive cases recorded in 24 hours, the average for the last seven days is back above 60,000, against just over 52,000 a week earlier.

One “rebound” noted Friday by the Minister of Health Olivier Véran and that the epidemiologist Arnaud Fontanet links to “a cocktail of factors” : new more contagious variant, back to school and relaxation of behavior, with the approach of a new lifting of restrictions on Monday.

This trend reversal has so far had no effect in hospitals, where the number of Covid patients continues to decline to 21,024 (-263), including 1,875 in critical care services (-53).

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