more than 100,000 doses of vaccine have been delivered to vaccination sites in France

Nearly 43,000 have so far been administered. The number of cases recorded in France since the start of the epidemic amounts to 2,889, or 216 additional cases in one week.

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The monkeypox vaccination campaign is progressing. Some 103,000 doses of vaccine have already been delivered, according to figures from Public Health France published on Friday August 19. The health agency specifies that 2,889 cases of monkeypox were recorded in France between the start of the epidemic and Thursday August 18.

Over the past week, 216 new cases have been identified, a slight slowdown compared to the previous week (250 cases) but which does not necessarily reflect a slowdown in the epidemic, people with contact cases not always being tested. All the cases recorded concern male adults, with the exception of 34 women and 7 children. Île-de-France remains well ahead of the number of cases identified (nearly 1,700), followed by Occitanie (251 cases), Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (217 cases) and Provence-Alpes- French Riviera (203 cases).

As of August 17, 103,000 doses of vaccine had been delivered to the 189 vaccination sites (centres, pharmacies, etc.) open in France, i.e. 46,475 additional doses in one week. The number of doses administered since the start of the epidemic amounts to 43,767 according to the Ministry of Health, far from the 37,000 weekly vaccinations demanded last week by associations to vaccinate the entire public deemed to be at risk before. the end of summer.

Since July 11, vaccination against monkeypox has been offered nationwide to men who have sex with men, “around 250,000 people” over the past six months according to the High Authority for Health (HAS). ). Also concerned are trans people declaring multiple sexual partners, sex workers and professionals working in places of sexual consumption.

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