Eggs, bunnies or chocolate chickens: the Easter bells made people happy this Monday, especially at the labyrinth of the Monts de Guéret. Under a bright sun, the site was able to welcome many gourmets. “The last two years, we had to cancel the event because of the Covid so there, we find a normal activity. It feels good. And then this time, there are no masks or health passes, even if we obviously respect the health rules, it’s still lighter for visitors. We can feel it, they are happy to take advantage of wide open spaces“, confides with a smile Camille Beaume, the site manager. A success that was confirmed with the number of admissions achieved: 1,200, a record!
– Marion FERRERE
– Marion FERRERE
Several hundred plastic eggs were hidden in the maze. The mission therefore: to find at least six of them, all very well hidden in the 25,000 m² of the site to then exchange them with real chocolate. A not so simple task as confirmed by Angelina and Yannick. “At first it was not easy, people helped us a little. You have to look everywhere while walking, there are some on the hedges but also on the ground“says the 13-year-old boy.”You have to look under the bushes, behind the signs, it’s not easy because you have to be faster than the others! It’s a little challenge and with the good weather, it’s very nice. It’s sporty!“, adds Angélina accompanied by her brother. Aloïs and Hugo gave us some advice, “don’t forget the box of eggs and then arrive early, first! And look everywhere, to the right, to the left: open your eyes“. The recipe worked: the two cousins collected a dozen eggs and even shared some with struggling egg hunters.
– Marion FERRERE
– Marion FERRERE
A golden egg to find for a special price
Parents also got into the game. “It’s very nice ! I think we have as much fun as the kids“, confirms Juliette. Gaétan confirms, “it’s not necessarily simple, we look everywhere, we miss some, it’s funny and then the children are happy so it’s great“Eden, 8 years old, won him the jackpot! When he discovered the golden egg, he won”a huge chocolate omelette“, he has fun describing. “I put my head in a bush and poof, I found it“, he rejoices. In reality, it is several large eggs. “We have a reserve of chocolate for a good time“, laughs his mother.
– Marion FERRERE
– Marion FERRERE
In total, more than 5,000 chocolates were distributed at the exit of the labyrinth, swapped for plastic eggs. “We plan to eat it tonight“, slips Angelina laughing.
– Marion FERRERE