more rockfalls are to be expected

Series of rockfalls. In Wimereux, 5 meters of cliff collapsed about ten days ago. In Audresselles, Noirda beach was also affected, then Audinghen, at the Cap Gris-nez lighthouse. Since then, the sectors concerned have been marked out to try to prevent walkers from approaching too close to the edge.

A closed path in Wimereux

With the start of the tourist season, the mayor of Wimereux, Jean-Luc Dubaele, believes that it is urgent to secure coastal paths or even to deny their access. “We were lucky that there was no one on the trail at the time of the landslide, it could have been dramatic“, reports the chosen one.

Five meters of cliff collapsed on the beach of Pointe aux Oies. “It’s hugelaments Jean-Luc Dubaele. We had to close the path with a barrier and we are going to block it with shrubs to prevent walkers from going there because it is very dangerous.

The end or the beginning of a series?

With the arrival of spring, the clay dries and causes landslides each year. “The cliff is receding, it’s normal, we mustn’t put everything on the back of global warming“, reports Xavier Douard, is project manager for Eden 62, a mixed syndicate which maintains the 2 Caps site.

it might still fall

The ground keeps moving and there’s still a chance it’ll fallsays Xavier Douard. We have just passed a phase but it is not said that it will happen again in the days or weeks to come. You must therefore be very careful and follow the indications on the signs.“The areas concerned are those where the cliffs have clay soil, i.e. from Boulogne-sur-Mer to Cap Gris-Nez.

In Wimereux, another sector worries the town hall, “The blockhouse which overlooks the Rochette beach threatens to collapse and given the conditions this could soon happenworries Jean-Luc Dubaele. We hope walkers will be careful..”

This blockhouse overlooking Rochette beach in Wimereux is in danger of collapsing. © Radio France
Diane Sprimont

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