The Tarn department is working on the development of a wolf plan which could be voted on in June. He is considering financing the purchase of camera traps, subsidizing the installation of electric fences or even participating in the constitution of aid files. It must be said that wolf attacks are increasing in the Montagne Noire. There were around thirty in 2021 and already around twenty in 2022.
The Department of Tarn, via Christophe Ramond, its president, reiterates that the State must face up to its responsibilities. “The breeders are distraught in the face of the red tape and the lack of financial resources arriving in our territories.”
A reality that attacks the morale of breeders. They would already be four to have decided to give up their job in the south of the Tarn. Elderly farmers who often do not want to invest in protecting their herd with electric fences. Cédric Carme asks him many questions. “I have colleagues who quit and it hurts me. It hurts me because I have my building. I still have 10 years of credit on it. I have another one that needs to be done. I hope that I’m not doing stupid things. Seeing my colleagues stop, it hurts. It’s not normal that we can stop. It’s the state that wanted the wolf to come back and it’s up to the state who has to assume. I don’t get up for these little lambs, to give them the bottle at 4 o’clock in the morning, to let them be chewed the next day in the meadow. So, I am under an obligation to protect myself. I will do it hoping to hold on not to do like the colleagues who are so disgusted that they stop.
In any case, he installed a grid so that his sheep could see the light of day without going out. He will also spend money on a fence, a Patou, without being really sure that it works against the wolf.
In the Tarn, for the moment, the presence of two wolves has been genetically proven. According to breeders, and many photographs, there could be more than four or five.
– SM