More halal and kosher meat in France? If Marine Le Pen is elected, Jordan Bardella ensures that this will no longer exist!

Does the RN really want to ban halal or kosher meat if Marine Le Pen is elected? The answer is “yes” and it was Jordan Bardella, the president of the party who gave it during a passage on RTL.

The latter has indeed made it known that if his candidate were to win the Elysée, there will be no more halal and kosher meat in France to respect “animal dignity”.

Marine Le Pen will ban ritual slaughter without prior stunning, on supermarket shelves, confirms Jordan Bardella at the microphone of the Grand Jury.

“People will worship in their intimacy”added the president of the National Rally. “We must tackle the manifestations of political Islam.”

This Sunday, March 27, he was also the guest of the 8 p.m. news from Anne-Claire Coudray, during which he had to face Gabriel Attal, government spokesperson.

The representative of the majority was also happy, in full live, to correct his political rival by giving him a little lesson on the air. He reminded him of how laws and institutions worked in France and was greeted by LREM activists.

See also: When Emmanuel Macron dares to joke about the age of his wife, Brigitte!


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